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Hydrogen Conversion  Blueprint Info

Convert your car to run on hydrogen.
Fresh Clean Water To Power Your Car

Do it yourself plans to build a hydrogen booster unit from simple parts available from hardware stores.

The plans are simple to follow and easy to build. Boosting your car with hydrogen allows you to achieve up to 50% more gas mileage than without the booster unit. The plans gives instructions to build and connect a hydrogen fuel supply to the intake manifold of any car with minimal mechanical experience.

For the mechanically inclined this will be a simple construction. The cost will run between $125 to $225 for the parts needed to construct this unit. For not so mechanically inclined people this unit can be made by a mechanically inclined friend or mechanic and easily installed.

A more advanced unit will come available to this site in the near future. This unit will be fully assembled and ready for the conversion to your vehicle.

Sample Image Side view From Plans